Wednesday, August 7, 2019

COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS - case study format Essay

COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS - case study format - Essay Example The perceptions about time, the power of analysis and integration etc can also be different in different cultures. Political, economical, social and technological parameters can affect the business management process. These parameters are different across diverse cultures. Some countries may have democratic administrations whereas some other countries may have autocratic administrations. Moreover, economic growth, religions and the development of technology etc need not be the same in different countries. Business management styles need to be adjusted or fine tuned based on these parameters in order to manage a business successfully across cultures. Terms of Reference â€Å"In global firms, the effective management of cultural diversity which was once a concept, became imperative for the firms survival now† (Adler & Gunderson, 2007, p.128). I am working as a management consultant and Microsoft has recently approached me to prepare a management report for them in doing business in India. They specifically asked me to give more emphasize to the management challenges Microsoft may face in India. Microsoft discards the idea of a joint venture in India and they preferred making an independent unit in India. They are aware of the fact that because of the above decision, they have to do everything from A to Z in order to setup a business unit in India. So, they asked me to study the probable management issues they may face in India related to culture. This paper is written as a report to Microsoft about the possible management issues Microsoft may face in their Indian operations. Overview of the situation America and India are some of the largest democratic countries in the world even though, they differ heavily in many other aspects. Even though democracy is prevailing in both of the countries, the functioning of the political systems is entirely different. Even though both the countries are secular democratic, Christians dominate the American population where as Hindus dominate the Indian population. â€Å"India is an enormously hierarchical society (arguably the most hierarchical in the world) and this, obviously, has an impact on management style† (Indian Management Style, n.d) Most of the Indian organizations consist of people from different parts of the country and the management should address the cultural diversity aspects all the time. India consists of 28 states and 6 union territories; most of them are extremely diverse as far as culture and language are concerned. Because of the influence of left parties, the influence of trade unionism in India is more than that in America. Left trade unions can create problems to Microsoft, because of their declared stands against the capitalist countries and monopolies. However, considering the huge growth potentials of India Microsoft can neglect these challenges. At the same time, Microsoft needs to spend more time on learning about the diverse Indian culture in order to manage thei r business successfully in India. â€Å"Management practices are always culturally bonded† (Guidham, 2002, p.52). Analysis based on Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner cultural model The major elements of Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner cultural model of management of international business are; Universalism vs. Particularism, Analyzing vs. Integrating, Individualism vs. Communitarianism, Inner-directed vs.

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